A white sheet of paper with blue accents.


Please see ELAP requirements for information on sampling and transporting water for analysis.
Certified test methods include:
Heterotrophic Plate Counts (HPC) are performed to determine the total level of viable, aerobic bacteria present.

Multiple Tube Fermentation for Most Probable Number results.

These include results for Total and Fecal Coliform bacteria.
The turn-a-round time for this test is 2-7 days

Chromogenic substrate analysis for Most Probable Number results.
These include results for Total Coliform and E. coli bacteria.
The turn-a-round time for this test is 18-24hours.

Chromogenic substrate analysis for Most Probable Number results.
These include results for Enterococcus bacteria.
The turn-a-round time for this test is 24 hours.

Most Probable Number results.
These include results for Fecal strep./Enteroccus bacteria.
The turn-a-round time for this test is 2-7 days.