A blue box with an image of a medicine bottle.


From degreasers – to disinfecting units – to preservatives, we have helped a variety of companies, and individual entrepreneurs, with qualification and verification studies for their products.

AMS has helped numerous Alternative Medical Waste Treatment techniques gain approval. AMS SOP#119 has been approved by, and is on file with, the Medical Waste Management Program of the California Department of Public Health.

Visit MATSANA.NET for information on how AMS helped verify the efficacy of a yoga mat sterilizer.

Please contact us for more information on specific studies we have experience in performing, or to design a study to suit your specific needs.

  • Alternative Medical Waste Treatment efficacy protocol
  • Hydrocarbon degrading bacteria (oilfield microorganisms)
  • Biofouling investigations
  • Corrosion investigations
  • Preservative effectiveness challenges
  • ATP cleanliness studies
  • Indoor Air Quality assessments